In the shoes of real outlaws,
It’s a political tsunami that you will seek to thwart!  
29,00 €



3:30 hours

2 to 4 players 

distributed across 2 computers

2 computers
and smartphone 

with Internet

Communications software

(Zoom, Skype, Teams, Discord, Google meet…)


In the shoes of real outlaws,
It’s a political tsunami that you will seek to thwart!

A multimedia adventure

Video surveillance

Narrative and interactive soundtracks

Mini simulation video games

Satellite view

Social networks

An interactive scenario

Secondary objectives

Alternative endings

Personalized Scoring

 Personalized Achievement Badges

 Hall of Fame

A multimedia adventure

Video surveillance
Narrative and interactive soundtrack
Mini simulation video games
Satellite view
Social networks

An interactive scenario

Secondary objectives
Alternative endings

Personalized Scoring

Personalized Achievement Badges
Hall of Fame

approximately 3 hours 30 minutes


2 to 4 players 

2 computers
and smartphone 

with Internet

Communications software

(Zoom, Skype, Teams, Discord, Google meet…)

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A computer with internet (No tablet)
on one of the tested and validated browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)


A smartphone with an application to read QR Codes. Most smartphones can recognize QRCODEs by simply taking a photo of them. Otherwise we suggest using a free application Ex: IOS: QR CODE / Android: QR code reader and scanner – free


Something to take notes (A GOOGLE DOC SHARING or simple notes)


Scripted help available throughout the game.


The game can only be played once but it is possible to interrupt it at any time to resume later. When you log in again, you will automatically return to where you left off.


This is an asymmetrical game: the two teams will therefore not have access to the same information and interactions. For the sake of ergonomics, it is not possible to connect more than 2 computers at the same time to a game.


You will need a means of communication (Zoom, Skype, Teams, Discord, Google meet …).


To maintain the interest of this game based largely on communication, we advise you not to use screen sharing or sending files.


My computer crashed during the game, how can I resume my game where I left off?

Leave the mission email and click again on the link of the team you were in before the bug, you will automatically be reconnected to the game, at the previous step from when the bug occurred.

I have a game synchronization bug between the two teams, what should I do?

Try refreshing the page (F5), be careful not to overdo it because you risk losing progress information and having to redo certain actions.

I have a problem displaying the game on my screen

Try switching to full screen view (F11) or the small button at the top right of the game page. The game is optimized to display in full screen without window borders. You can switch between full screen and window view with the computer's F11 key.

I have a problem displaying the game on my screen

The game has been optimized to run on CHROME, EDGE and FIREFOX. Make sure that the two connected computers are using these browsers. If this is not the case, you can copy and paste the internet address of the initial email and put it directly in another browser.

What should I do if I left the full-screen mini games before the end?

In this case, the other team must refresh their page (F5), like you, to restart the mini-games.

What should I do if I can no longer find my intervention questionnaire?

Refresh the games of both teams and request an intervention request again at the right address.

My game is out of sync and I can't reconnect with the other team

In this case, the other team must refresh their page (F5), like you, to restart the mini-games.

I did not receive an order confirmation email

When you have placed an order, you will receive 2 emails. The first is confirmation of your order, and the second gives you the instructions (and links) to play Escape Web. If you have not received them, they may be in your SPAM. The second email may take a few minutes to arrive (up to 15 minutes).

I notice display anomalies or I have the impression that I am missing information on the screen

Ad blocker type plugins can cause anomalies in the game display. During your game, deactivate ad blockers such as Ad Nauseam or UBlock.

I have a sound problem in the game

Make sure your browser allows the use of audio when you are on the game page. This permission is generally available on the icon to the left of the URL on the browser tab.

The clues displayed do not correspond to the action I must perform

If you think that the clues do not correspond to the stage of the game in which you are, make sure with the other team that you have activated the same elements when possible (display of a person sheet or of an address).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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A computer with internet (No tablet) on one of the tested and validated browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)


A smartphone with an application to read QR Codes. Most smartphones can recognize QRCODEs by simply taking a photo of them. Otherwise we suggest using a free application Ex: IOS: QR CODE / Android: QR code reader and scanner – free


Something to take notes (A GOOGLE DOC SHARING or simple notes)


Scripted help available throughout the game.


The game can only be played once but it is possible to interrupt it at any time to resume later. When you log in again, you will automatically return to where you left off.


This is an asymmetrical game: the two teams will therefore not have access to the same information and interactions. For the sake of ergonomics, it is not possible to connect more than 2 computers at the same time to a game. 


You will need a means of communication (Zoom, Skype, Teams, Discord, Google meet …).


To maintain the interest of this game based largely on communication, we advise you not to use screen sharing or sending files.

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